Thursday, March 23, 2006

Defamation Suit Against John Kerry

Some fuckwit is suing John Kerry for standing up for himself against allegations that he behaved dishonorably towards fellow Vietnam vets after returning from the War.

The Massachusetts Democrat recently created a defense fund to pay his legal costs in a federal defamation lawsuit filed last fall by a Pennsylvania filmmaker, Carlton Sherwood.

Sherwood alleged that Kerry and a top aide sought to "discredit and silence" him while blocking the broadcast of his anti-Kerry documentary during the final weeks of the race.

The film, "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal," alleges Kerry's actions as an anti-war activist after he returned home from the Vietnam War harmed American POWs. Kerry lied about atrocities by U.S. soldiers as a leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, according to the film.

Kerry has denied the charges...

The defamation suit was filed in Philadelphia by Sherwood and the Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation. Thomas Manning, a lawyer for Sherwood and the group, declined comment.

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