Friday, February 17, 2006
Gonzales Recusal Asked By Democrats

The meddlesome Democrats are requesting that Attorney General Abu Gonzales recuse himself from any involvement in the Jack Abramoff lobbying cases.
Justice says there is no need.
Thirty-one Democratic senators said Gonzales's close ties to the White House could create a conflict of interest as the Justice Department examines lobbyist Jack Abramoff's dealings with government officials.Gonzales previously served as the White House's top lawyer.
"Given the possible ties between Mr. Abramoff and senior government officials with whom you are familiar and to whom you may have provided legal advice, you will avoid the appearance of a conflict if you recuse yourself now," the senators said in a letter.
A Justice Department official said Gonzales does not need to recuse himself because the investigation is being handled by experienced lawyers serving in nonpolitical posts.
Hell, if Gonzales had to recuse himself from every issue in which he provided dodgy legal advice to the administration he would be on a paid vacation 24/7.