Sunday, December 25, 2005

Bush's Dictatorial Power Grab

A former general counsel for the Senate and House Intelligence committees today discusses Bush's malfeasance in the extra-legal NSA spying scandal.

The expert on intelligence law demolishes the administration talking point that the joint congressional resolution to use force against Al Qaeda gives implicit authority for warrantless spying on Americans:

FISA specifically provides for warrantless surveillance for up to 15 days after a declaration of war. Why would Congress include that provision if a mere Use of Force resolution could render FISA inapplicable?

That paragraph provides the big news of the day. The apologists have carefully avoided telling the American people of this 15 day provision. It is the statutory smoking gun in this case, showing the illegal overreaching of the administration in the absence of an actual declaration of war.

Hell, you only get 15 days of warrantless surveillance authority in the case of an actual war, Bush is guilty here of four years of unauthorized spying.


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